Technologies of the future in Education

Technologies of the future in Education

Education was, has been and is the major priority and values in every country. It was the end of the 1970s when in the University of Illinois the first e-learning system was invented for PLATO students. This system helped the students in course papers writing and brought the beginning of new digital natives of online forums, courses and many other web tools, which we cannot imagine our life without.

In 10 years at the universities of Britain, the students were able to work with computers in the classroom and use the electronic terminals. In Canada, the pupils of junior schools studied at the computers and in California, the distant education project was worked out.

Rapid development

Education should be qualitative and updated. Nothing remains the same and nowadays we can observe a wider range of human possibilities which are followed by increased desires. Education is being changed as well. Having been started the development of technologies could not be stopped and the modern World of learning and education could not be imagined without the use of computers. The today’s schools in the united states and around the world use smartphones and tablets at the classes. Kids at schools learn how to create codes and applications and in Essa Academy, they have been using Apple’s products since 2009. In Singapore, every student at Nanyang University of Technologies is given an iPad for classes. Currently, Singapore holds the top position of the most technologically developed countries. But it is not the only one and there are no doubts, that the majority of pupils from your school apply the new technologies for their studying as well.

During the educational process, a personal approach is taken into account. These days the innovation technologies in education are not a surprise to anyone anymore. Along with the development of new technologies, the educational program undergoes changes. A modern child is being taught of working with gadgets and Internet portals.

What to expect?

Smartphones, tablets, smart watches, e-books, network education, a flipped classroom, personalization of education and many other similar words are being heard from people almost every day. In some areas, these devices have become an integral part of the educational process, while in others they are waiting for their time to be applied.

A very interesting and useful device like smartwatch may be applied by the teachers who deal with activity-based learning. Using the smartwatches, they can measure the pulse and pressure of the students and travelling speed.

There is an expression “Bring your own device” (BYOD), which means that currently for the students it is normal and natural to take their gadgets to the colleges every day like they usually take a pen and a pencil. The applications and programs with educational content are being downloaded from iTunes every minute which means that the modern young people have a desire to learn, and they decide where and how to learn. This means that the meaning of a traditional “local” education might be changed very soon.

The students and schoolboys and/or schoolgirls already use bots for finding fast answers in their smartphones. The tools like Google Home, Amazon Echo (Alexa) and Siri help students find the necessary information faster in the question-and-answer format. In the United States, this practice has been used for years already.

Valuable changes

Owing to modern technologies, the process of education is being accelerated and the work of professionals is being improved. One of the most important advantages of the technologies’ development is the implementation of virtual reality devices. Using VR technologies, the students of Medical Universities will be able to perform practical surgeries without harm to the patients.

VR gadgets can be of the highest importance to those students who cannot attend classes because of the serious disease or disability. Being at home, they will be present at a lesson in a classroom only by wearing special glasses. This will allow them not to feel isolated but feel themselves a part of a studying process, get excellent marks and find new friends as if they go to real school.

New technologies for everybody!

There is no matter whether you are a boy or a girl, an adult or a child, you can use all existent technologies for your studying process. If you are a curious person, every means of the modern life will be interesting to you. In the fast developing World, new technologies are called to help every person. Should there is an overflow of students and a lack of teachers, is it hard to obtain a really good and qualitative education. Artificial intelligence is very flexible and can help every student get the necessary knowledge.

At the same time, we should keep in mind, that every device, gadget and technology is being created by a human. And every, the most clever machine is being developed by a specialist who has been studied for a very long time. People create everything in the World and do not rely on machines only.

Technical and technological innovations have already changed our lives. When we are informed about the release of a new version of a gadget, we can easily forget about the existent versions and move to a new one in a day or two. But we should treat the influence of the digital natives more critically by performing researching and assessments.


To live here and no, we should follow the changes in education, because it is the foundation for our future generation. The modern World is not going to stand the out-dated information and false data. We should doubt and check everything which seems inveracious. There are many myths about the education process, which are debunked by pedro de bruyckere in his book “urban myths about learning and education”.

  • If you believe, that the material is being told you in your earbuds while you are sleeping, will guarantee you a high mark on the tomorrow exam, you are mistaken;
  • If you, being a boy, believe that you are more talented than your girlfriend, you are not right;
  • If you believe that you use only 10% of your brains, you are mistaken.

There are much more myths exist. Are you interested in? Well, your gadget is going to find you this book in a second, or you can take a hard copy of a book, find a comfortable place and read it. Enjoy whatever way you choose.