Best Tips to Memorize a Speech: Insights of the Experts

Sometimes we are faced with having to memorize a large amount of information in a short period of time. Whether it be a homework assignment or a presentation for work, getting everything prepared can seem daunting and overwhelming. What is the best way to memorize quickly?

FreelanceHouse has recently conducted a research called “What are the most effective ways to memorize a speech?” among the experts of business and marketing world to know the opinions of professionals who handle such problem on a daily basis. Here is what we learnt.

  1. Bruna Martinuzzi

Bruna MartinuzziThere are several pieces of advice that are helpful for memorizing speeches. Here is a short list of the tricks that prove to be the most helpful.

  • Practice your speech out loud. Vocalizing your speech will help commit it to your long-term memory.
  • Practice just before bed. It has been proven that there is a link between memory and sleep. When you activate your brain just before you’re going to bed, your mind will absorb more information and you will be able to remember more details in the morning.
  • Rehearse your speech using the 20-20-20 rule. Start practicing for twenty minutes and review the same material for another twenty minutes, twice. You need to practice at least thirty minutes before the information is retained in your long-term memory.
  • Create a mind map. Using a mind map allows you to see all your material visually in a shape form, rather than in a list. When you use a mind map, you’ll be more likely to recall the information easier than if you are just trying to memorize a list.
  1. Kate Zabriskie

One of the leading experts from Business Training Works, Inc. gave us a simple advice for preparing a speech.

“I would recommend not memorizing the entire speech. You could become confused or flustered and not retain the most important parts of the speech. Instead, I suggest that you should use bullet points to highlight the most important parts of your speech and to remind yourself where you are while practicing. I hope that this quick and simple tip will help you with your speech.”

  1. Jonathan Becher
  • Most spJonathaneakers don’t pay enough attention to the first few minutes. I call this the “get in.” A well-designed introduction captures the audience’s imagination and sets the stage for the rest of the presentation.
  • Don’t ever memorize a speech. Learn the material, know your transitions, and be confident with the flow. But pure memorization sounds too contrived for the audience to enjoy it.
  • Make sure you know what it is you want the audience to take away from your presentation. I recommend no more than three points. Decide these first, before you write the speech or create your slides. Memorize these three points.

4. Rob Biesenbach
Rob Biesenbach“I believe that storytelling is one of the most powerful tools for communication. If you can think of your speech like a story, you will have more fun speaking and will be able to remember the speech easier.

In fact, if you practice your speech as if you are telling a story, you will find that when you present your speech, your audience will be more engaged and follow along more closely. This also goes back to the content of your speech. Make sure your content gets to the point and will not bore your audience. Keep your speech interesting and engaging.”

A few tips from my list of 100 Tips for Giving a Presentation include

  • Keep your speech short and to the point.
  • Stay original if you want to include a little humor.
  • Find the emotional pull from your audience. If you want to change minds, you have to change hearts first.
  • Find the goal of your speech and stick to it.

It is important to keep all these tips in mind when you write and rehearse your speech. Not only will you find it easier to remember the contents of your speech but when you present your speech, you will be successful. Just be sure to practice, practice, practice!

To conclude, when you need to memorize a speech, you should apply those tactics that will work for you. Make sure to practice and change up your methods of rehearsal to find what helps you remember the key points better. No matter which techniques you choose to use, practice your speech! Take the advice of these four experts to heart and you will find that your speech will be locked in your mind and you will be ready to face your audience confidently.